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See what others have said about Fiesta Inn and plan your visit

We are ready to provide you with a hotel experience that fully adapts to your travel needs. Read reviews from recent guests, and then discover our hotel for yourself. We look forward to helping you maintain the perfect balance between work and rest.

Everything was above my expectations.

Stayed for the night, the area is great and the views are amazing from the hotel, everything was above my expectations.

Very well located

Excellent, very well located, good service, as well as excellent facilities.

Excellent hotel

Excellent hotel, room, service, staff and city. Morelia is wonderful. If you have the opportunity, visit Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico.


Treat yourself to the Fiesta Rewards experience at all our destinations. Explore our hotels on our website, app, the Fiesta Rewards line and Santander Fiesta Rewards.